Nov 12, 2023Liked by Damian Counsell

Helen Fry's book is (also) called π‘‡β„Žπ‘’ π‘Šπ‘Žπ‘™π‘™π‘  π»π‘Žπ‘£π‘’ πΈπ‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘ . Just started it. Pretty good so far.

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If you uncritically report to the world the lurid, unverified claims of racist Israeli officials as they cynically try to generate support for/distract from the genocide they are perpetrating in front of our eyes, you’re not a journalist –you’re an accomplice to their crimes.

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There's a good chance I was marching against Apartheid with my parents before you were born. I don't see what that has to do with anything in my essay.

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If you won't listen to me please listen to the state of Gaza and the humanitarian crisis from Antonio Guterres today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLByZ9tgfHI

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Yeah, you're blocked now for the conspiracist guff on the other thread. Ciao.

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If children are being slaughtered by the thousands in a horrific massacre and someone tries to make the conversation about what words and phrases you’re not allowed to use when opposing that massacre, the correct thing to do is to tell that person to shut the fuck up.


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way to go making this about placards, otherwise you'd have to talk about a massacre

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Lets say it was a terrorist massacre by Jew haters (though most of the civilians were killed by Israelis firing indiscriminately at Hamas and hostage alike https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/the-october-7-hamas-assault-on-israel) and that Hamas developed this hate out of thin air and not from over 75 years of displacement, oppression and killing by a racist regime;

is the appropriate reaction of the civilised west to bomb civilians disproportionately and thus themselves become war criminals?

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Yeah, you're a crank. Quoting the convicted sex offender and Russia shill is an instant block. Bye.

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I didn't know that, exposing himself over the internet. big deal.

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yes how dare they want to expel European settler 'Israelis' from 'Israel' and get their homes back, return to where their families were born and stop being oppressed? do you have ANY idea about the history of US backed European colonists expelling and terrorising people in Palestine? Being anti-Zionist is not anti-Jewish. https://normanfinkelstein.substack.com/p/missing-links-in-ben-shapiros-facts

You seem to want protesters against child killing to be arrested and are supporting terrorists who openly state they are performing a new Nakba on Gaza and wish for a complete genocide. Even US hawkish neocon are now feeling squeamish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etXje5eGuL0

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"You seem to want protesters against child killing to be arrested"

You're a lying crank.

What part of:

"I don’t want to see the marches banned.

"I do HOWEVER want those marchers openly inciting violence or committing other criminal offences to be arrested."

do you not understand?

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Your reference to the Eustonite tendency is interesting. In retrospect it seems like the kind of unprincipled grouping that gets floated before collapsing at the first challenge. It is always the actual wars that separate the wheat from the chaff. These groupings only work by ignoring the hard problems. Sure some people use anti Zionism as a cover for their antisemitism, but so also do some Israelis use Zionism as a cover for anti Arab bigotry. It seems kind of symmetrical to me.

More importantly if people are going to have a theory of peace in the world without suggesting a real solution for Palestinians then it is hard take them very seriously. The Eustonites of the world (and many Zionists) basically think that the Palestinians should just go away.

Actually β€œthink” is not the right word. β€œWish” is probably better. And on the West Bank, the settlers and some parts of the current government are more of the β€œdoing” than β€œwishing” sort of people.

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Have you read the Euston Manifesto? Because this is raging against an imaginary Eustonism.

Of the four authors, two were openly and emphatically anti-Iraq-2 and two were pro. Of the members of the group, you probably couldn't get two of them to agree on any given war at any given time in history.

Euston was *explicitly* about not taking any position on any conflicts, but about debating such matters in good faith. How the Manifesto's call for a two-state solution could be interpreted as "thinking that the Palestinians should just go away" is beyond me.

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